AMMACHI Labs conducted a full day tutorial on Robot Operating System (ROS) and robot manipulator demonstration at the Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri. The sessions were attended by students of the MTech Robotics and Automation program, undergraduates and researchers. The session provided a hands-on demo and tryouts of the Kinova Mico robot arm that can be controlled through ROS, and simulation packages for the Clearpath Husky, Parrot AR Drone and ABB manipulators. Prof. Gayathri Manikutty and AMMACHI Labs robotics researcher Akshay Nagarajan conducted the ROS sessions and a resource person Mr. Aditya Marathe of Nugenix provided the Kinova demo.A group of graduate students of the robotics and automation program will also be participating in the IEEE RAS Humanitarian Robotics and Automation Technology Challenge (HRATC) in the coming weeks and this tutorial marked the preparation for this event.
On a side note, the students even celebrated the resource person’s birthday by cutting a cake using the robot arm!